Cycling Center Dallas is offering a Serious Discount in 2016!

12 Months, Unlimited Access for only $200 a month? That's right! A savings of $360 over the course of the year!! Regular Unlimited is $230 a month
In 2016, Cycling Center's Unlimited Membership will remain at $230 a month, which gives you access to the studio for classes and consulting Monday through Friday and it renews on a monthly basis. However, CCD is now offering you an even sweeter deal.
If you sign up for a ONE YEAR CONTRACT you have an opportunity to save $30 a month - a savings of $360 a year! All you need to do is sign-up for a 12-month contract that renews every month for $200 - that's it!
To sweeten the deal, Cycling Center Dallas is throwing in a box of OSMO single sticks - another $40 value!

For more detailed info. please visit the CCD site by clicking on their logo, or contact Tracy directly at 214-773-6503 to get set up on this program.