Why Did We Add the WIKI SPRINT?

By popular demand, we have added a NEW RACE DISTANCE to the Wiki Wiki Man Triathlon this year!
The new Wiki Sprint distance is an ideal race distance for the novice or beginner triathlete interested in racing in an open-water triathlon that is challenging, but not intimidating. I raced in my first open-water triathlon about 14 years ago at River Cities. As most Triathletes know, it's a very popular sprint in Shreveport, Louisiana. It has been around for decades. For years it would literally sell out in a matter of minutes – remember that? Anyone interested in registering would need to get up early, wait by their computer, watch the clock, and count the minutes until registration opened. Now days, fewer and fewer races sell out that fast, but back in the day a River Cities slot was coveted, and I was excited I got in! It was going to be my first open-water triathlon.
The thought of racing River Cities was a little intimidating for me as a newbie, but I was still looking forward to it. The course has an 800-900 meter swim course (give or take a 100 meters depending on the year and GPS used), 18.2 mile bike, and the traditional 3.1 sprint run. As I was standing on the beach race morning looking out at the swim course and buoys, I actually thought they were spaced too far apart and believed someone must have made a mistake, seriously. It was the first time I actually saw what an 800 meter (single-loop) swim course looked like, and it definitely looked challenging from where I was standing. Having never raced in an open-water triathlon before, it suddenly became intimidating. During the 30 minutes or so that I was standing around waiting for my wave to start, I started to freak out. There was a moment I considered not racing because I had worked myself up into such a state. This was not fun. Wasn't this suppose to be fun? Somebody told me this was going to be fun. Long story short, I got through it, actually had some fun, received a mediocre time, and I was officially hooked on the sport. Would I have preferred a shorter swim course for my first open-water event? Yes. Absolutely.
Just like many Triathletes, River Cities quickly became one of my favorite races to do each season. Wes and I loved it so much we wanted to create a race in Texas reminiscent of River Cities. We also wanted to add another open-water triathlon to the DFW race calendar, which we felt had too few. After six long months of scouting out potential race venues, we finally found beautiful Lake Tawakoni State Park, and the Wiki Wiki Man was born. Some of our diehard race participants will remember the event as the Spring Fall Classic Triathlon the first two years.
Over the years, we have had loads of requests for a smaller sprint distance, as well as an Olympic course. We added the Olympic course a couple of years after our inaugural event, and now we are finally adding the new Wiki Sprint to this year's event, eight years later. This is the open-water triathlon distance I wish I could have raced as my first triathlon all those years ago. The Wiki Sprint is still challenging for beginner Triathletes, however it's not too intimidating, and definitely does not have a scary big swim course. The Wiki Sprint course has an out and back 400 meter swim, 10 mile bike, and traditional 3.1 sprint run course. It’s the perfect distance for a novice or beginner triathlete participating in their first open-water triathlon, however it is also a fun course for the experienced Triathlete who wants to go all out.
We’re very excited to introduce the new Wiki Sprint distance to our event this year. We now feel like we have a race course for every triathlete. Thank you to all of the Triathletes who have supported our little race (and dream) these past seven seasons. Without you, The Wiki Wiki Man Triathlon would not be possible. It is only 3 months away - so mark your calendars, and we'll see you May 6, 2018 at beautiful Lake Tawakoni State Park.
Have a great Tri Season Everyone!